We provide storage capacity and supplementary services for a wide portfolio of customers.
Flexibility to cope with fluctuating demand
24/7 availability
A market-oriented approach
Our services
MND Energy Storage Germany offers long-term capacities on the basis of Firm Storage Bundles that combines Working Gas Volume, Injection Rate and Withdrawal Rate in a fixed ratio. This product is negotiated on bilateral basis or offered in auctions via our Auction System. For more information please see section „Capacity Trading“ or contact Commercial Dispatching.
Additional injection and withdrawal rates can be booked by existing storage users on an interruptible basis independently from the storage contract parameters. It is available upon the discussion with a commercial dispatching of MND Energy Storage Germany. The booking request can be executed in the Nomination Portal, eventually via e-mail on Day Ahead or Intraday basis.
For the actual price of the additional rates please see the Price list.
Early Injection
An optimization product for new customers whose storage contract is about to become valid in the near future on the basis of Temporary Working Gas Volume (TWGV) combined with Firm/Interruptible Injection rate. In case of interest, the customer shall contact commercial dispatching. Based on negotiations the customer is given agreed TWGV and injection rate. The price is set on a Pay as Used basis and is to be negotiated. With the termination of the Early Injection Contract, all the injected gas is transferred to the storage customer’s account free of charge. No withdrawal nominations can be submitted based on this contract.
Late Withdrawal
An optimization product for existing customers whose storage contract is about to end in the near future on the basis of Temporary Working Gas Volume (TWGV) combined with Firm/Interruptible Withdrawal rate. In case of interest, the customer shall contact commercial dispatching. Based on negotiations the customer is given agreed TWGV and withdrawal rate. The price is set on a Pay as Used basis and is to be negotiated. With the termination of the Late Withdrawal Contract, all of the gas has to be withdrawn from the storage customer’s account – otherwise the storage operator is allowed to procure a sale of leftover gas on storage users behalf. No injection nominations can be submitted based on this contract.
In case of need, both products can be accelerated via available interruptible daily additional rates.
Gas transfers can take place between individual contracts of a single storage user or mutually between storage users based on written instruction. Gas transfers between storage users can only be put into effect on the basis of a joint statement made by both storage users and with the approval of MND Energy Storage Germany.
For the actual price of the Gas Transfer please see the Price list.
Storage capacity transfers require signing a new storage contract (or an extension of the contract with the existing storage user) between MND Energy Storage Germany and the new/existing storage user (a portion or the entire capacity can be transferred). For the actual price of the Transfer of Storage Capacity please see the Price list. The transfer becomes effective on the 10th business day following the request for transfer the soonest and the new storage user is obliged to prove meeting storage operator‘s financial eligibility criteria prior to the effectivity of the transfer. If the sooner term of effectivity is required then the price is increased by 20 %.
Storage capacity assignments allow the storage user to lease a portion of its storage capacity out to another storage user under the current gas storage contract without any amendments to it whatsoever. In the event of assignment of the negotiated storage capacity, the original entity continues to be the contractual party with respect to MND Energy Storage Germany.
For the actual price of the Assignment of Storage Capacity please see the Price list.
Under Regulation No. 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT) and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 1348/2014 on REMIT, gas storage operators and market participants making use of gas storage services are obligated to report specific data regarding the gas stock in the storage facility to ACER (Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators). Market participants are obligated to report the amount of gas stored by them in each virtual gas storage to ACER at the end of the gas day.
If requested, we are prepared to submit this data on behalf of our customers free of charge based on the Agreement on Meeting Reporting Obligations under REMIT
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